Game Design and Production

Design Deep Dives


Design Deep Dives

Below, you will find examples of work that I’ve done and the thought process behind getting them to the high quality they are at today. There’s a lot more that goes into each of these that I can fill pages and pages of content with, so these are just some of the highlights and key takeaways.


Dealing with Unexpected Ripple Effects

In Knockout League, Iron Maiden is a defensive character who has the ability to shred the player’s gloves if they punch her spikey armor. She ended up being a uniquely defensive character that emphasized both deliberate punching and bold risk taking.

However, she didn’t start out that way. Click here to read about how I overcame incorrect assumptions, pacing problems, and unintended consequences on the game at large!

Repurposing Mechanics and Focusing on Clarity

Showtime is one of the trickiest fighters in Knockout League, and that’s thanks to his slippery nature and devastating feint combos. More than our other characters, he showed that simple concepts executed well can yield amazing results, and that you don’t have to build a ton of new tech to get innovative mechanics.

Though elegant in dress and in design, it took many steps to get there. Click here to read about how I iterated on his tells, repurposed mechanics for unique character moments, and nerfed his douchiness!