Game Design and Production


b. 1986, HK.


Hi, I’m Henry!

I’m a game designer and producer with 10+ years of experience working out of Santa Monica at Grab Games. I love creating moment to moment gameplay and meaningful player choice.

I’ve been designing games since grade school and was able to go to college for it at the University of Southern California. There, I worked on an award winning student project called “Reflection” and would go on to ship that game after graduation as “Divergent Shift” on DSiWare with Konami.

Our team formed a small indie studio called Intrinsic Games and we got to working on more small DSiWare projects. Soon after, in 2011, we were acquired by Grab Games. Since then, I’ve worked on games as designer and producer across many different platforms.

I’m a big fan of action and fighting games, though I draw inspiration from all kinds of genres.

When I’m not developing or playing games, I’m often working on my photography, playing tennis, or hanging out with my wife and corgi.
