Game Design and Production

Divergent Shift


Divergent Shift is a mind bending puzzle platforming game where players control 2 characters simultaneously on the top and bottom screens with 1 set of controls. The game starts with them perfectly synced, but becomes much harder when they can begin to operate independently of each other.

I joined as a level designer on the project in 2008 when it was still a school project for USC’s Advanced Game Project class (and still known as “Reflection”). The game had already been prototyped by the team leads the year before on PC, but we were going to bring it to the platform it deserved to be on: the Nintendo DSi.

I was responsible for many of the games levels, and after graduation I remained as the sole designer and polished it for release. This included countless level tweaks and bug fixing.

The project culminated in two major moments for me. First, we won “The Next Great Mobile Game” award at the Independent Games Festival at GDC in 2009. Second, we actually got Konami to publish our game for DSiWare.





  • Pitched, paper prototyped, and created many level designs that range from key tutorial levels, slow cerebral puzzle levels, and fast-paced action levels

  • Scripted cutscenes and journal pick up items

  • Hosted and facilitated playtests and used feedback to further refine layouts and item placement

  • Worked with other designers to create a progression of mechanics and difficulty

  • Refined and polished all level layouts and decorations for DSiWare release

  • Set Time Trial requirements for every level
